“Türkiye Civil Society Development Index” research, which was conducted by YADA Foundation with the intention of taking an up-to-date picture of the development of civil society in Türkiye, was carried out with the aim of both evaluating the capacities of civil society in Türkiye in different axes and making available to all relevant stakeholders a model that will form the basis for future studies. Within the scope of the research, surveys were conducted with CSOs and citizens, representing Türkiye, search workshops and in-depth interviews with the participation of experts. As a result of all these studies, 10 sub-indexes that make up the Civil Society Development Index were created, based on the prominent findings and determinations of the research. These are, respectively: Human Resource Capacity, Employee Welfare and Policies, Skills and Competencies, Financial Resource Diversity, Transparency, Use of Communication Tools, Impact, Sustainability, Project, and Collaboration. Türkiye Civil Society Development Index research reveals the impact-based development level of civil society in Türkiye within the framework of these 10 sub-indexes in which civil society evaluates its own capacity.